Solo Exhibition – Brian Gallagher
Exhibition – Interrupted Line by Brian Gallagher – 1st June- 31st July
Exhibition – Interrupted Line by Brian Gallagher – 1st June- 31st July
Early in 2020, the Dublin Painting and Sketching Club received 134 paintings for the 5th edition of its Open Submission process. 20 were selected to hang with the work of Club members in the 142nd Annual Exhibition, scheduled for March at One Windmill Lane. There, on Opening Day, we would announce the winner of our…
Over 180 paintings by some of Ireland’s best known artists
VENUE: Townhall, 1WML, 1 Windmill Lane, Dublin 2, Ireland, D02 F206
Monday 16th of March – Sunday 29th March 2020
Open Daily: 10am – 5.30pm
Over 180 paintings by some of Ireland’s best known artists
VENUE: Townhall, 1WML, 1 Windmill Lane, Dublin 2, Ireland, D02 F206
Monday 16th of March – Sunday 29th March 2020
Open Daily: 10am – 5.30pm
OPEN SUBMISSION The Dublin Painting and Sketching Club (founded 1874) is pleased to announce its fifth Open Submission Process. Non-members are invited to submit paintings for the Club’s 2020 exhibition, which will be held in in the Town Hall Space, Windmill Lane Quarter, Windmill Lane , Dublin 1 from 15th March to 29th March Within…
Member Deirdre Kearney has her work in- Pop up Art Exhibition Opening Night :Thursday 19th December 2019. 5.30 – 9.00pm Rosslare Strand by Deirdre Kearney Basement of Alias Tom, menswear. 2, Grafton St. (beside Grafton Arcade). D02Y527 Current exhibition running from now until 24 December 2019. Please call in at any time to view a…
The Pastel Society of Ireland is holding an exhibition of work by full members, at CHQ, Custom House Quay, North Dock, Dublin, from 15th-21st July, 2019. Betty Christie is exhibiting the following two works. “Hares on the Hill, Summer” & “Empty Nests”
View & Buy The Dublin Painting and Sketching Club 141st Exhibition catalogue, with the support of the Exhibitions sponsors, Whyte’s, is now on-line. View the paintings and buy from the online site.
Vintage Enamalware Still Life – Peter Dee Peter Dee selects his still-life objects with the same care as he selects the colours on his pallet. Much of the impact of his work derives from the contrast of colourful fruit with subtle variations of grey and white in the background. Rainer Cherries are among Peter’s favourite…
Bull Island Treasure Trove – Betty Christy “Bull Island Treasure Trove” resulted from Betty Christie’s first visit to the north-side of Dublin Bay. Her usual source of visual treasure is along the coastline of Antrim and Down. What Betty values most is the intricate detail, the shapes, patterns, colours and textures of the natural world.…