Marie Fallon is a Dublin based artist, who over the past twenty years has concentrated on oil painting with a focus on the local landscape of Fingal. During this period she has developed and refined her style and approach.

Taking local scenes which include harbour scenes of Balbriggan , Skerries, Loughshinny, Rush and Malahide as a staring point, she has expanded her subject matter to include Dublin city life and architecture. The paintings are alive with colour. They excite the eye with their lively and vibrant form but essentially they are humble snapshots of daily life portrayed in an assured and energetic style.

Collections include OPW, Fingal County Libraries, Beaumont Hospital, Department of Justice – Wheatfield Prison and Central Remedial Clinic.

Marie was accepted to the Royal Ulster Academy in 2008 and 2009.

T: 086 0809949